Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Romania essay

   The country I chose for this project was Romania. All throughout the 90s Romania has been encountering problems with education. Their goal between 1990 to 2000 was to reform their education in the local schools. They have many different reformation goals and tactics to try and enhance their education.
   One of Romania's goals in reforming education was adjusting the education system’s structure and content in line with current progressive trends in international education. This pretty much means that they want to keep up with the other countries technology. They want their students to be able to experience the same thing the students of other countries are. They want to be up to pace with the rest of the worlds education.
   Another one of their goals in this reformation is increasing the competitiveness of pre-academic and academic qualifications. Pretty much what I understood from this was that Romania wants their children to be able to participate in extra curricular activities. They want to start to be involved in sports, clubs and organizations. If they can do this then it will definitely create progress in their goals for reformation.
   Lastly another one of their goals for reformation is increasing the impact of primary, secondary, and tertiary education on social changes and living standards in Romanian society. This means that Romania is trying  to get the education to impact the children socially as well as educationally. They want this goal to be an instrument for social change. They want less violence in the streets, respect for adult figures, exc. They want to install manors into the education process.
   Their are a couple more goals that I could go over for this reformation. However, I really think this sums up how Romania has been doing in the last couple of years. They just got over being under communist rule so they bare trying to find change.

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