Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Romania essay

   The country I chose for this project was Romania. All throughout the 90s Romania has been encountering problems with education. Their goal between 1990 to 2000 was to reform their education in the local schools. They have many different reformation goals and tactics to try and enhance their education.
   One of Romania's goals in reforming education was adjusting the education system’s structure and content in line with current progressive trends in international education. This pretty much means that they want to keep up with the other countries technology. They want their students to be able to experience the same thing the students of other countries are. They want to be up to pace with the rest of the worlds education.
   Another one of their goals in this reformation is increasing the competitiveness of pre-academic and academic qualifications. Pretty much what I understood from this was that Romania wants their children to be able to participate in extra curricular activities. They want to start to be involved in sports, clubs and organizations. If they can do this then it will definitely create progress in their goals for reformation.
   Lastly another one of their goals for reformation is increasing the impact of primary, secondary, and tertiary education on social changes and living standards in Romanian society. This means that Romania is trying  to get the education to impact the children socially as well as educationally. They want this goal to be an instrument for social change. They want less violence in the streets, respect for adult figures, exc. They want to install manors into the education process.
   Their are a couple more goals that I could go over for this reformation. However, I really think this sums up how Romania has been doing in the last couple of years. They just got over being under communist rule so they bare trying to find change.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This poster was made to touch people so that they would consider joining the army after what happened on D-Day.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ww2 poster stuff

1. 8 things I could do to help the war effort are -don't buy as much food as I normally would -brush your teeth to keep good health - join the army ( guys) - join the Woman's Royal Naval Services (girls) -woman work at the factories. -help farming crops - mend your cloths to conserve resources. -carry around a handkerchief.

2. -Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. This poster was very effective because I still see people today carrying handkerchiefs.- make do and mend. This poster was effective because people started to mend their clothing together instead of buying new things, which saved money. -doctor carrot the children's best friend. This poster was very effective because children needed to stay healthy so that people could focase on the war.

3. This war was called total war because evryone was involved in it. The army's the citizens and the children were all involved. All of Europe was involved and so was most of the world.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Russia kenny

The nobility, church and peasants supported monarchy.

The new modern threats that threatened monarchy were Marxism, idle class, and industrial working class.

Russia was to big for one person to rule. Russia wasn't that industrial advanced. Its military was weak. It had to many diffrent nationalities. It was too big of an empire. Proletariat. Bourgeois. Revolutionaries.

The First World War proved the last straw for the tsar's gov.

People started demanding bread on march 1917.


Nicolas took control of Russian military in 1915 which was a very bad mistake.

1.they had porcelain easer eggs. 2. He collected many diffrent luxurious thing. 3.he had multiple palaces. 4. He had his own private personal park. 5. Their is a musium dedicated just to him and his life style.

Rasputin adopted the robes of a monk, and travelled the country, sinning to his heart's content.

Rasputin was corrupt because of his sexual activity with women.

He was shot multiple times, beaten with a rubber club, then tossed in the Nile river.

Russia was old fashioned and weak. It was the First World War. The tsar was stupid.

They are similar because bolth rulers were stupid. They are diffrent because the military had a compleatly diffrent fighting style back then that was less deadly.


Monday, February 11, 2013


1. Germany, Italy, Belgium and France.
2. He split it in half.
3. He concerned areas and let his friends and family control those parts.
4. It brought apon nationalism.
5. He invaded England.
6. It made the army of nepolean spread ideas of revolution around Europe.
7. They were remaining loyal to nepolean.
8. Spanish resistance encouraged Austria to resume hostilities against the French.
9.scorched earth policy, this policy stated that the Russians destroy everything in their path in order to hurt the enemy.
10. The scorched earth policy.
11. The victors exiled him to Elba.
12. Nepolean lost so bad that the battle only lasted a day long.
13. Prince Clemens Von Metternich of Austria. Lourd Robert of Britten . Alexander 1 of Russia. And Charles Maurice of France.
14. They built an independent France.

Chinese New Year

I'm an ox.
I agree with the characteristics of the ox. It is strong and sticks to what it believes in.
It is a leader.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The five stages of the French Revolution.


The first stage is a weak government. With a government weak and harsh times upon a the people decide that a government is not worthy to rule. In this picture we see the French revolutionaries holding hands with Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom. Them we see the people and a Athena beating down Satan which represents the government.


This image is relating to the 2nd stage of the French Revolution. The second stage is the abandonment of the old regime. The French guy on the upside down soap box represents the people starting to abandon the regime.


With the revolution winning and changing the country the revolutionaries fight among themselves to decide how they will manage the new country.

With the revolution winning and changing the country the revolutionaries fight among themselves to decide how they will manage the new country




This is the third stage of the French Revolution. The lady in the picture represents the queen. She is meant to represent the counter revolutionaries. The third stage of the French Revolution is all about counter revolution. The counter revolutionaries, counter the revolution.


With the revolutionaries fighting amongst themselves a leader steps forward. Usually it's someone who is a very powerful speaker and can unite the people. He promises the nation that he can bring the nation into prosperity.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

5 stages of the revolution

1st stage- weak goverment
2nd stage- defacto goverment
3rd stage- counter revolution
4th stage- splintering among the revolutionaries
5th stage- messiah theory

Messiah theory- someone comes forth to lead the nation, promising prosperity.

5 stages

3rd stage

This is the third stage of the French Revolution. The lady in the picture represents the queen. She is meant to represent the counter revolutionaries. The third stage of the French Revolution is all about counter revolution. The counter revolutionaries, counter the revolution.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


1.Thomas Hobbes
-He believed that men in the state of nature are self-interested and fight with one another for three reasons: competition, diffidence and glory.
- he believed that people were driven by selfishness and greed.
-he believed in absolute monarchy.
John Locke
-viewed humans as inherently 'good,' and believed that individuals were born with natural rights.
-he believed that the state should have more power over the people.
- he believed in democracy.
2. Social contract- An implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits.
tabula rasa- An absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate
3. Thomas hobbs is closest to Donald trump because of capitalism.
John Locke is closest to Martin Luther King Jr.