Sunday, December 16, 2012

Kenny Couch

World History Exam

Period 4

Option 3 Skit


-(Martin Luther, Henry VIII, John Calvin, Pope Leo X and Conrad Grebel enter the meeting room and sit in chairs at a table.)

- (Henry VIII) - All issues may be addressed at this point.

- (Martin Luther raises his hand)

- (Henry VIII) – Yes, Martin

- (Martin Luther) –Pope Leo X why are you stating that it is ok for the people of the Protestant Religion to pay for indulgences?

- (Pope Leo X) – I am stating this because I need to raise enough money to construct the St. Peter’s basilica. I feel that it is morally ok to pay for your sins.

- (Martin Luther) – Well just because I disagree with you, do u feel its ok to just kick me out of the protestant religion? Doesn’t that seem a little harsh to you?

- (John Calvin) – I agree with Martin, that does seem a little harsh.

- (Pope Leo X) – I feel that if you have a problem with my religion then you need to go and make your own religion.

- (Martin Luther) – then I will.

- (Henry VIII) – Any other issues that need to be addressed?

- (Conrad Grebel raises his hand)

- (Henry VIII) – Yes, Conrad?

- (Conrad Grebel) - Why has no one complained about your six marriges, Henry?

- (Henry VIII) – All five of my x-wives had done horrible things to and then where executed, or they Died in some other way.

- (Conrad Grebel) – Please tell me about how “terrible” your x-wives were to you.

- (Henry VIII) – My first wife, Catherine had a stillborn daughter with me, and had a son with me, who we then named Henry. She died and there were rumors that she was poisoned in the Kimbolton castle. My second wife, was executed because she committed treason, witchcraft, and incest. My third wife Jane Seymour died while giving birth to my son Edward VI. I divorced my forth wife Anne, the day after the wedding because I said that I didn’t like her any more. My fifth wife, Catherine was charged with treason and adultery. Soon after that she was executed.

- (Conrad Grebel) – Why did you chose to have Anne and Catherine executed?

- (Henry VIII) – I chose to have them executed because I’m am a king and it would show a sign of weakness. I was also very upset that they did those horrible things to me. They were just like regular people, just because there were my wife’s, doesn’t mean that I can treat them differently than the other people in my kingdom.

- (Conrad Grebel) – I understand. It must have been very hard to deal with them committing those crimes.

- (Henry VIII) – I learned to deal with it. Any other questions?

- (Conrad Grebel raises his hand)

- (Henry VIII) – Yes, Conrad.

- (Conrad Grebel) – Who founded Calvinism?

- (John Calvin) – Calvinism is a religion that I founded, it branches off of Western Christianity.

- (Conrad Grebel) – What is the religion based on?

- (John Calvin) – My religion is based on “the five points of Calvinism”.

- (Conrad Grebel) – What are “the five points of Calvinism”?

- (John Calvin) – The five points of Calvinism are: Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints.

- (Conrad Grebel) – Thanks for the great explanation of Calvinism.

- (Henry VIII) – Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?

- (No one raises their hands)

- (Henry VIII) – This meeting is over.

- (All leave the room)


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